Feeling stuck? Dig in deep right where you are.

Do you ever have feelings of resentment about the space you are in? Feel frustrated and trapped in your current season? I have been there before. It is so easy to look around at others who may appear to have the life that you want or be in a different season of life and feel jealous and stuck. Times of waiting feel endlessly drawn out and monotonous. Those seasons in life come to us all.

I have been guilty of missing the opportunities within those seasons. I have overlooked the benefits of being in a time of waiting, a time of quiet or a time of monotony. Do you underestimate the necessity of these times within your life? Do you miss the growth that can happen? It may be more hidden but it is there.

So what do you do? Dig in deep right where you are. Determine to make the most of the season you are in. Savour the moments, the quiet, the joys to be found right where you are. Celebrate with others who are in the visible growth stages that you are looking forward to without comparing (easier said than done, I know!) Look for opportunities to learn, to collaborate and to take steps forward. Be intentional with this time and not let it slip past in wishing for the next stage.

Growth is found in this digging in process. This is where your roots are established. This is what provides the foundation for future visible growth. Growth really happens in dark, hidden places. We need to flip our thinking on this. The big gains and changes we see and consider to be growth are simply the result of the work done where no one can see, in times of feeling stuck and in frustrating times of waiting.

Short and sweet for you this week as I travel with my family. I will replenish my soul in the amazing scenery of the Australian North-West coast. How are you feeding your soul this week?

Stepping Up In Leadership: Reflections from the journey releases on 6th August! Don’t miss out on the preorder sale happening right now: https://jokoepke.com/shop/

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