How I’m working on my productivity in order to savour my life: Bullet Journal

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I was listening to a podcast the other day about leadership styles that stall momentum (you can listen here.) The one that struck me and put words to what I had already identified in myself was “distracted juggler”. Pulling together insights from this podcast, other podcasts, books (like the Holy Hustle) and my experience triggered a renewed focus on being fully present in each area of my life. I want to savour each part of it and not let it slip by always distracted by something else. I have realised how much my productivity has a reciprocal relationship with how I savour my life. When I am fully present in my work times, I can be more productive. Making progress on my tasks in those times helps me to be more free and less distracted in my family and soul care times. I am very much in the trenches of working on this in my life but want to share a series of posts about what is helping me.

In this first part of the series, I want to talk about my bullet journal. I have developed it into a hybrid of physical and digital with the occasional printable planner pages thrown in. I love the freedom and flexibility to make each page exactly what I need it to be in that season and change over the year as needed. I use a physical notebook that I use to create weekly layouts, ideas lists, MOPS work to-do lists, project ideas and progress notes without the restriction of predesigned pages. I have started colour coding appointments, meetings and blocks of work time for a quick visual of my schedule. This includes a colour for each family member and for combined family times as well as for the various roles I have. I use thin washi tape in my physical journal. I have loved this so much that I have carried it over into my digital calendar now.

I use Google calendar on my phone and computer. I have adopted the same colours as my physical journal into my digital one for consistency. I rely on my digital calendar for reminders and quick reference without pulling out a book. I have also started using Google Tasks to go along with my calendar and email as I can add emails straight to a to-do list on my computer to remind me to follow them up. I find this combination of physical and digital to be a winning method for me.

There are a ridiculous number of bullet journal resources and ideas out there. Have a look through a few but remember that this is yours and it needs to work for you. I keep mine incredibly simple and minimalistic as that is sustainable for me. I bring in touches of creativity with washi tape and stickers on the month pages and of course, the colour coding. Find a style that is yours!


I have tried a few different notebooks since starting this a couple of years ago and this is my favourite:

I love these erasable pens for ease of changing my mind or my schedule:

I use a similar pack of washi tape for my colour coding. I stick a line of it in the approximate time of day and write on it!

I am looking forward to unpacking this more and sharing more helpful insights and tips that I have been gathering and implementing. Stay tuned!

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