Increasing capacity by going smaller
The words “increasing capacity” bring up images of bigger, larger, grander. The paradox that I am learning is that most often increasing capacity has meant smaller in many ways.
I have had to get smaller in my focus. I have wasted headspace and time trying to figure out the “grand plan” that God has for my life and where I could be heading in the years to come. This has not actually been helpful and more an indicator of lacking trust in Him and trying to maintain control. Instead, I have had to discipline myself to focus on the thing God has for me to do in the here and now, which may be doing dishes or playing with my daughter.
Increasing capacity has not meant that I can continue to add more and more roles, tasks, people into my life without letting go. I have had to reduce and let go of some of these to make space for the next direction from God. This has been a hard lesson to learn and I want to reflect on this process more in a post of its own.
To increase my capacity to be organised and content in my house, I have to get smaller in the amount of things I hold on to and get rid of excess and clutter. (So much more to do with this one but baby steps!)
Friendship is another area where I have had to get smaller in my approach. If I want to be able to form deep relationships, I have to put more time into those few people. I tend to be “friends” with many and I end up spread out too thin to really invest in these relationships. I will still make time for many when I can but I have to be more intentional with spending time with those I am seeking to be good friends with. I grieve that this changes over seasons of life and I want to hold on to all friendships at the same deep level forever but this is not the reality of life. In some cases I need to accept responsibility for stepping away and do something to reconnect but mostly I need to accept changes.
Smaller may seem counter to our desire for growth. God has been impressing on me that this is His kingdom way. His ways are not our ways. Check out Emily P. Freeman’s book, Simply Tuesday, for more on this.
What have you noticed getting smaller to allow your capacity to grow? is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!
This post is part of a series called “My journey of increasing capacity” written as part of the Write 31 Days challenge. To read other posts in this series please click on the button below, in the side bar or on the Write 31 Days 2015 tab at the top.