Learn: Five Minute Friday
I had a yearning this morning to get some space in my head and get the thoughts and plans on to paper. So I took my daughter for a walk to the park on a glorious morning and sat with my new blog planning kit to explore a topic for the Write 31 Days challenge coming up in October.
The one year anniversary of starting this blog is fast approaching (Write 31 Days last year!!). I reflected on what I have learned about myself in that time. I don’t write regularly like I want to. I can’t always find the words to express what is in my head. But I do learn more about what is in my heart and get greater understanding of my own thoughts by writing them down. That is really what this blog is about for me right now. I’m not that interested in building a brand or anything. It is purely me and processing my thoughts. If others are touched by those thoughts, even better. That is at the heart of what I have learned about the importance of my blog in my life.
I am still not 100% sure I will take part this year but I have a clearer picture of what I might cover if I do. Watch this space for what else I learn I guess!!
Written for the Five Minute Friday prompt this week. Check out the other contributors here.
If you are interested in the blog planning kit from Kat Lee I have started using, check out this link (it is an affiliate link)