My Ongoing Journey
It seems unbelievable that this is the last post in this year’s Write 31 Days challenge. I did it! I actually wrote a post for each day of October. Reflecting on My Journey of Increasing Capacity has been emotional, uplifting and even surprising at times. The words have flowed in a way that they haven’t in the past. A recurring phrase in many of my posts has been “a work in progress”. My journey is far from complete (is it ever really done as long as we are alive?!). It is ongoing.
So what now? For the first time I have been consistent in writing and posting and am loving it. Daily is not sustainable for me in this season of life but I want to keep this momentum going. I am exploring turning my Thankful Thursday posts into a weekly link up where other bloggers can join me in my quest to develop gratitude and notice the goodness in my life. I have printed out a month blog planner page (check out the planner I use below) and have started dreaming about what writing will look like for the rest of the year. One series I can guarantee I will be writing about is Advent. I love the traditions that we have been developing as a family and will share more about them. I have taken a brave step and signed up for a local blogger/writer workshop and meet up in November.
In leadership, I will keep developing my role at MOPS and at work. I am praying through my involvement in the committee organising next year’s State Conference and another conference that I’ve been invited to help out with.
In parenting, we are about to enter a new season. Next year I will be the mother of a kindy girl (first year of schooling, part time here in Australia). We had her orientation and got her uniforms yesterday. So many mixed emotions and I know that this signals the start of a whole new phase of parenting!
In rest, I continue to look at reducing my technology dependence and be intentional with my down time. What is going to energise me? What will recharge my batteries long term?
The lack of overwhelm and excitement to keep going shows me how far my capacity has already stretched. A dear friend had a picture for me of the elastics game (the big loop around a couple of people’s legs). Instead of going upwards when one level had been achieved, they stretched backwards. It is a perfect picture of what this journey is like. Onward stretching I go!
This post is part of a series called “My journey of increasing capacity” written as part of the Write 31 Days challenge. To read other posts in this series please click on the button below, in the side bar or on the Write 31 Days 2015 tab at the top.