Refining my life
While the start of the year has not been without its challenges, it has been wonderful. Taking that time to reflect on last year and look ahead to this one was so valuable. I am now in a time of refining that view. I am refining what it means to spend time with God. I am refining what I want my house to look like. I am refining what organisation looks like for me. I am refining the goals and expectations I have for myself. This is a messy process but I am happy. I am deep in my soul happy and at peace. Life is not all smooth sailing and some of the realities of my new role have slapped me in the face this week. That has not shaken the core of who I am and what I am focused on. I am feeling rested, excited and committed to doing the hard work necessary to fulfil what I feel needs to be done this year. I know that my faith is being refined, even through things like decluttering my house. I sense a deeper maturity, a letting go of stuff and expectations and a quiet sense of God’s presence as a daily constant. I love seeing the refined gold that God is moulding in my life. I have a canvas up in my room that I made at the beginning of 2014 with the big things I wanted to focus on. They are still true today and are being constantly refined to reflect the season I am in and my day to day.
The writing that I have been doing has been for my book or preparing MOPS talks and leadership training events so it has been pretty quiet around here. The Five Minute Friday link up is always a wonderful way to stretch my writing and let me dip my toe back into my blog in busy seasons. Five Minute Friday is a community of writers who write for five minutes unedited on a prompt word. This week is “refine” (if you hadn’t guessed!) and you can read the contributions of others here.