
Routines that are giving me life

The adjustment to working from home full time has been so much harder than I expected in some ways. And I don’t even have the excuse of having my daughter around during the day like so many are dealing with right now! Rhythms that I have tried to set still feel off-kilter. Frequent disruptions to my plans, extra errands and events have thrown me off balance. On the days I don’t have those come up, I struggle to focus anyway. Instead of obsessing over the ways that my rhythms are not meeting my ideal, I choose to celebrate the routines that are giving me life right now.

Water before my morning coffee

I underestimate how dehydrated I am when I wake up in the morning. My habit of going straight for coffee when I wake up doesn’t help! I am using a linking method for creating the habit of drinking a glass of water as soon as I have set the coffee pot up to brew. It has surprised me how much more alert I feel with that glass of water. Now I just need to work on improving my hydration throughout my day!

Morning reflection and prayer time

I used to be really diligent about waking up early and sitting in the stillness. This has not been happening often in the past few months. I had a choice to give up on the idea altogether if I got up as my household was getting up or making space anyway. The times I choose to sit in the lounge with my headphones and a prayer app, my Bible and my journal are life-giving. It may only last 10-15 minutes but it recharges my soul for a new day. Often my daughter will be tucked in next to me at the same time. It isn’t perfect but it is worth it.

Daily top 3

I have written before about my practice of setting a daily top 3 task list. This in combination with daily check ins with my mastermind group have helped me to stay focused. It has been sustaining momentum in a time where experimenting with new rhythms could have sent me off track. I think I must be getting more skilled in selecting realistic and worthwhile tasks too as I have hit this target on most days in the past few weeks.

Stack method for emails

This is a very new one in the past week. I heard people talking about it in the Full Focus Planner Facebook group (yes, we sit around discussing the planner and organization and it’s great!) I am still refining my use of this method but it has left me feeling much more organized and less overwhelmed when dealing with the multiple email inboxes I manage. Time will tell if it lasts!

Setting up the diffuser

Setting up my essential oil diffuser is part of my workday start up routine and I love the lift it gives to my workspace. Creating an inviting pace to work in makes a difference to my ability to focus.

If you’re an oily fan, you may want to check out my Fragrant Meditations courses.

Weekly blog, podcast and YouTube content

I don’t think I have ever been this consistent with creating content to share with you. Even with adding in podcast and video recording! Sharing words of encouragement, hope and inspiration in several forms makes me feel alive inside. This is what I am meant to be doing. Connecting with readers/listeners/watchers makes it even better. (Please reach out through email, social media or comments!)

Even though it is life-giving, I am choosing to take a break for the next two weeks. It will be school holidays here in Western Australia and we are dedicating time to connect as a family. This break is also well timed to give me extra time to prepare for an exciting launch that you’ll hear about in October so stay tuned!

What about you?

These are a few routines that are bringing life to me in this season. What about you? Whether this time feels settled or chaotic, find the routines and practices that recharge your body and soul and help you feel alive.

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