Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 31: Close
As October and the Write 31 Days Challenge comes to a close, my mind immediately turns to look at what is next. What project do I need to focus on? What writing will I do now? Do you do that when you come to the end of something? Do you also forget to celebrate the achievement and what has already happened? I want to celebrate the fact that I have written and posted everyday for 31 days. More than that, I want to celebrate the connection points and encouragement that it has brought into my life and yours. I have loved seeing comments and having conversations with you…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 30: Voice
Think back over your last 24 hours. How have you used your voice? Has it encouraged others or torn them down? Has your tone been loving, supportive and light or has it been harsh and grating? Have you used your voice in support of others and to build up community or have you added to dissent and disunity? If you’re anything like me, it is probably a combination of some or all of the above. I can get so frustrated at myself with how I use my voice, particularly with those closest to me. Isn’t it always the way that those who are close to us get the worst of…
Bite- sized Inspiritment Day 29: Together
Better together. We’ve all heard that so many times. We might even agree with it on face value. I wonder how many of us secretly wonder if it is really true all the time. Or maybe we have had experiences where it hasn’t been better together. The reality is that any time we are with other human beings in community, we open ourselves up to hurt, disappointment and it leaves us feeling vulnerable. So why do we bother? Why do so many talk about being better together? We are wired for community. We have a deep need to belong and connect. We can’t do that without being vulnerable. I have…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 28: Song
Do you ever wake up with a song on your mind? Or find yourself humming a tune randomly and wonder where that came from? Sometimes it is some annoying jingle or song that you don’t even like. What I am noticing is that often the ones first thing in the morning are actually just what I need to hear and remember for me day. I guess this is especially true because they are often Christian praise songs for me. My perspective is shifted and I am rehearsing truth through song. The challenge comes in not only relying on these random songs in your head but surround yourself with the positive…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 27: Whole
Are you bringing your whole self to life, to every arena and space that you engage with? Are you trying to compartmentalise and end up feeling like you can never fully be you? It can be hard when we wear different hats in different spaces to find a way to gel them together in any cohesive way. Or maybe this is just my struggle. If you’re anything like me, you have many things that you are passionate about and spend your time on. You have different roles in life that demand a variety of skills and aspects of who you are. How do we maintain an integrated whole in this…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 26: Moment
How do you take the passion, ideas and focus generated in a moment and carry it through into everyday life? How do you capture that energy generated in an insulated environment out into the real world? The past two days were spent at the Global Leadership Summit. I have been humming with ideas, insight and fervour as I have been every year. The download of exceptional teaching and training on leadership is overwhelming and transformative. And yet, I know from previous experience that carrying that through to the daily action is hard. It takes intention. It takes commitment to continuing to learn and grow. It takes courage to implement what…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 25: Capture
Do your days feel like you are trying to capture fog? Does time seem to slip through your fingers with little to show for it (or so you think when looking at the unchecked items on your to-do list)? I know that feeling. I know what it is like to grasp for achievement, productivity and effective use of time and yet be completely baffled by how little I have got done. In my case, I am realising that I way underestimate how much time I need for some tasks and way overestimate how much I can achieve in a day, especially when I factor in extra tiredness, injury…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 24: Brief
Have you noticed how brief your attention span and focus has become? Or is it just me? We have become avid consumers of more information, entertainment and content than generations before us could conceive of. The more available at our fingertips, the higher our intolerance for anything that takes up longer of our time that we feel is necessary. If our attention isn’t hooked in the first few seconds, we skip to the next thing. A two minute read or video to watch seems completely too long in that moment. What is that about? Is it something we just have to accept or is it something that we need to…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 23: Common
So often we focus in on the differences between us. Those differences become the points of conflict, the points to judge on, the points to justify division and hatred. When will we start to recognise that we have more in common than in difference? It hurts my heart to see the division and hatred around the world. And yet, it is nothing new. Human beings have been using differences to justify all kinds of intolerable actions throughout history. I know that it is something we actually have in common as people. We have a tendency to categorise and notice difference. Maybe it is a sign of growth when we can…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 22: Help
Why is it that we find it so hard to accept help sometimes? I have been learning how to say yes to help more often but there is still this innate desire to be completely independent and not need anybody. I know I’m not alone in this. I was listening to a podcast the other day and they were talking about how we sometimes talk about children going from dependence to independence. We have this idea in our culture that it is the goal of adulthood to be independent. What if we started changing that? What if we made the goal inter-dependence? The reality is that we all need each…