Courage- the word I didn’t want as my word for 2020
Prefer audio? Listen to this post on https://jokoepke.substack.com/ Do you choose a word for your year? I have for the past several years. Some years I keep that word in front of me and lean into it fully. Other years I have to keep finding where I originally wrote it down because I cannot even remember what I chose. Some years it has played a significant part in my growth and other years it hasn’t made a dent. I keep going back to this strategy and have included my word, ‘courage’, in my 2020 manifesto. Towards the end of last year, I was turning my mind ahead to 2020 and…
Is fear your decision maker?
Do you have this idea of being brave as being the same as not being afraid? I realise that I sometimes still have that belief deep inside. Bravery is something we talk a lot about in my house. Fear and anxiety are daily companions for my daughter and I know their companionship well myself. I know that being brave is not about how I am feeling most of the time. It is about not letting fear be the decision maker. There may be many valid reasons for a decision not to do something. I don’t ever want fear to be the deciding factor for me or my girl. I give…