What would I change about ‘Stepping Up In Leadership’?
It has been two years since ‘Stepping Up In Leadership’ was released into the world. Two years doesn’t seem like much time in some ways. Then I stop and consider the change in my leadership role, leaving my employment for my own business and a global pandemic hitting. Two years can contain a huge amount of growth, pain, learning and stretching. Earlier this year the audiobook version was released. Reading through each word carefully as I recorded it had me thinking about what would be different if I was to write the book today. What would I change? What hasn’t changed I’ll start with one thing that definitely has not…
The end of an era: preparing to say goodbye
How do you prepare yourself to say goodbye to a workplace that has been part of your life for more than ten years? I made the choice to leave a long time ago and have delayed leaving twice for different reasons. Now it is finally drawing to the end of my time there. This is the next right step for me but pain is still involved. I have to give myself permission to grieve. I am masterful at pushing aside emotion and expecting myself to carry on. There is part of me that feels I don’t have permission to be sad as this is my choice and something I have…
Caring for my soul in another season of change.
There is change in the air. Can you feel it? The mornings and evenings have a crisp bite. Days are turning out cool more often than being warm. Fruit availability is switching over from the summer stone fruits to the citrus and apples. I love being able to snuggle up in my new plum coloured hoodie, wrap myself up in a fluffy blanket and socks at night and sip a warm tumeric latte or indulgent glass of port. Seasons shift with some semblance of regularity. There is a predictability to weather patterns moving from summer heat to autumn cool to winter wet and cold. We know how to prepare for…
Change. This word is a cornerstone in my work and a large part of my personal life too. I work for an amazing school called Alta-1 College, specifically in the online schooling program for students with mental health issues or other challenges that make attending a campus too difficult. The key criteria we look for when enrolling a student? The willingness to change and engage in the change process. It can’t be the parents or guardians wanting the change either. It has to be the student themselves for it to work. One truth that becomes apparent quickly is that beginning to change is not all that difficult but persisting with…