How to practise gratitude
Have you ever wondered how two people can go through the same event and yet have completely different memories and impressions of it? Perspective. I am reminded over and over how the perspective we choose to take on situations and circumstances shapes how we feel and act. I don’t mean denial of or ignoring the hard realities around us or what is happening to others. It is seeing those hard things but still holding hope and hunting for the good. Gratitude is the practice that has the biggest impact on this perspective. This is not a new revelation for anyone. We all know the importance of gratitude in our lives.…
Unexpected anxiety at this stage of the COVID-19 situation
Find the audio version of this post on your favourite podcast app: Inspiritment from Jo Koepke I expected the anxiety and stress that came as the virus arrived in our city and decisions needed to be made. I anticipated the stress that was threatening while trying to work increased hours and homeschool. The brewing anxiety that hit in the past week caught me off guard. I am so grateful that the situation in my city seems to be easing significantly and the restrictions are slowly being rolled back. I should be celebrating. Instead, I am processing this unexpected anxiety. Maybe I’m not the only one? I have reflected on this…
Take the Weltschmerz and grow
I am in the midst of a week that feels full to overflowing with logistical decisions, unexpected errands and significant preparation needed for many things. I have felt the stress building and the brain freeze set in as I try to prioritise, plan, shuffle and cut things down. My default is to shove these feelings away and stuff them down deep. My default is to numb out and ignore. I choose not to do that as I grow. As I have created a bit of space to listen to my soul and see what it has to say, I recognised a deeper current of emotion that is amplifying the stress…
How I wrestled with my attitude this weekend
A four day weekend to go camping with friends. Sounds amazing right? And it was but only when I put into practice the attitude adjustments I am fond of talking about and teaching my daughter but not always doing myself! It all started with a fire. The camp ground that we had selected and been planning for was right in the middle of an extensive bushfire a couple of weeks ago. Plans had to be changed. We chose a new destination and back up, packed up (with a few minor issues on the camper trailer sorted first) and headed off, only to discover our trailer brakes and lights had not…