• Restoring order and how it increases my capacity

    I have had a slow dawning of realisation of late. I need time to restore order. This is how I am able to pursue dreams, work on projects and have weeks of intense focus. Housework and other parts of my life may fall by the wayside at times. This is necessary. I can’t do everything all at once. I am starting to value space on the weekends to restore order, to prepare for the week. This restores a part of my soul. I am reminded anew of the impact that my external environment has on my internal soul. Creating this space, either on a weekend or sometime during the week,…

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  • Be careful what you write/pray about! More letting go.

    I had somehow developed this idea that following all the growth this year, the roles I had taken on and the writing series I had completed that I was now in for a year of consolidating. I had grown reasonably comfortable and was quite ok with that. Silly me!!  For quite a while I had been sensing God nudging me to take Netflix off my tablet to help cut down the time suck that it has often been in my days. I kept thinking that I would just control the time and that would be fine. Finally this week, I obeyed. I took the app off of my tablet. I…

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  • My Ongoing Journey

    It seems unbelievable that this is the last post in this year’s Write 31 Days challenge. I did it! I actually wrote a post for each day of October. Reflecting on My Journey of Increasing Capacity has been emotional, uplifting and even surprising at times. The words have flowed in a way that they haven’t in the past. A recurring phrase in many of my posts has been “a work in progress”. My journey is far from complete (is it ever really done as long as we are alive?!). It is ongoing. So what now? For the first time I have been consistent in writing and posting and am loving it.…

  • My Capacity as a Writer

    This is the second last post in my series for the 2015 Write 31 Days Challenge. I actually can’t believe that I’ve done it. What is even more remarkable to me is that people in my real life and those I’ve met online have been encouraged and responded to my words. I write to bring God glory for what He has done in me; I write to share encouragement with others; I write to know myself better. For the first time ever, I am starting to consider myself a writer.  From a young age, I loved words and putting those words together. I have won awards for pieces I wrote…

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  • Thankful Thursday

    My thankfuls for this week: MOPS conference- after so much prep and organisation, it was wonderful to see the visions in my head coming into reality. I loved the time getting to know others in my team better, as well as chatting to people from other groups. I love the new theme and catching a renewed vision for my own life and for MOPS next year. An amazing husband who not only released me to participate in the conference (which meant very long days with set up and pack up) but also showed me again what a wonderful fun dad he is. Our daughter loves him beyond words and so…

  • Soaking in His Presence

    Taking the time to stop and rest has revealed even more how much I needed it. I underestimated how depleted I have become. I sat to write the post I had originally planned and there were no words. I don’t want to have words on a screen for the sake of it. If they are not from my heart and containing encouragement or a purpose, I don’t want to put them out there. I have been loving soaking in God’s presence today through listening to two albums from Bethel music: “You make me brave” and “Without words”. I share a small of part of that with you in the videos…

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  • Embracing Rest Today

    It has been an intense few days and I am physically and mentally exhausted. Emotionally and spiritually doing pretty well as everything I was doing was filling up those areas, although I will admit to some irritability and lack of patience thanks to the tiredness. I wrote about the steps I have been taking to increase my capacity to rest here. Today needs to be a rest day for me if I have any hope of having the capacity I need for the rest of the week. These are my plans for getting rest today: focusing on the bare essentials of housework and allowing myself to leave most of it…

  • Inspiration Monday: My Community

    Finding “my people” has never really been easy for me. I am friends and acquaintances with many but have often struggled to get to those deeper levels of friendship with people. There have been a few spread over different seasons of my life. It takes vulnerability to allow myself to be me and real to foster these friendships. The community that I have around me now has kind of crept up on me. There has been a natural deepening of friendship with a few key people. I know that my capacity wouldn’t be where it is now without the support, encouragement, prayer and wisdom of these people. I am so blessed…

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  • “Be You Bravely”- reflecting on the impact of this theme on my capacity

    For those of you who are not involved in MOPS, each year there is a theme and verse to focus on. For this year, it was “Be You Bravely” with the theme verse from Isaiah. Created with the You Version Bible App This verse was the verse that God had given me to focus on at the beginning of last year, 9 months before I was asked to join the MOPS leadership team. That caught my eye from the start! The focus on courage to take flight and be fully me was challenging and inspiring. It was the perfect message to give me the boldness to look at increasing my…

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  • What I’ve Learned from MOPS Leadership

    For the first year of my daughter’s life, MOPS was a huge part of keeping the small shreds of sanity that were left. It was a very challenging year and the encouragement, commiseration and space to breathe were exactly what I needed. I was sad when one of my work days ended up being a Friday and I had to stop going to MOPS for a couple of years. In that time, I stayed in touch with participating in craft nights, helping to do AV for the State Conference and chatting to the mums at church who went. I missed it! I had already started considering changing my work days…

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