• How I wrestled with my attitude this weekend

    A four day weekend to go camping with friends. Sounds amazing right? And it was but only when I put into practice the attitude adjustments I am fond of talking about and teaching my daughter but not always doing myself! It all started with a fire. The camp ground that we had selected and been planning for was right in the middle of an extensive bushfire a couple of weeks ago. Plans had to be changed. We chose a new destination and back up, packed up (with a few minor issues on the camper trailer sorted first) and headed off, only to discover our trailer brakes and lights had not…

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  • One way I am savouring time with my daughter this Advent

    As a parent, you have these moments of awareness of how quickly your child is growing up. Such a bittersweet mix of emotions! I am struck again by the urgent need to savour moments with this gorgeous girl. Those moments are our reminders that life is short and our priorities need to shift from the busyness and distraction we immerse ourselves into the treasure that is the fleeting time we have while our children are small. This has been top of my mind in thinking about Advent. This year feels so different and feels like it is the start of a transition into a different phase of parenting. Her interests…

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  • The Most Important Part of Parenting

    “Have you ever had those moments when you are suddenly and acutely aware that those little eyes are taking in everything that you do and say, both what you want them to absorb and what you don’t?” I had the privilege of writing an article for the Growing Faith online magazine which seeks to encourage and equip Christian parents. The thought above starts off my reflections on why your faith as a parent matters to helping your child grow in their faith journey. This is the most important part of parenting, in my opinion, as it has eternal implications. I am in no way a perfect parent (as I share…

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  • The sweetness of shared moments (Five Minute Friday)

    It has been a long time since I participated in Five Minute Friday and I have missed the way it spurs me to write and pulls different things out of me with its prompt words. If you don’t know, Five Minute Friday gives you a prompt word and you set a timer for five minutes and write- no editing allowed. This is a challenge for me. Getting back into it today with the prompt word “share” so here we go…. Do you ever spend time with your child and have your breath stolen away by the sweetness of a moment? I have noticed that so often it is the shared…

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  • Capacity for Parenting

    When taking on more leadership roles, the area of greatest concern for me (and my husband) was my capacity still to be a present and caring mother and wife. Given that this was a struggle before these roles (as I’m sure it is for most), it was a valid concern. My family, and particularly raising my daughter, is my highest calling after following God. There was a time that I didn’t feel that way. I felt frustrated and hemmed in by the responsibilities of parenthood when my heart longed to be doing something “greater” like living overseas doing full time missions. As part of this journey (or maybe as a…

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  • Capacity for Parenting

    When taking on more leadership roles, the area of greatest concern for me (and my husband) was my capacity still to be a present and caring mother and wife. Given that this was a struggle before these roles (as I’m sure it is for most), it was a valid concern. My family, and particularly raising my daughter, is my highest calling after following God. There was a time that I didn’t feel that way. I felt frustrated and hemmed in by the responsibilities of parenthood when my heart longed to be doing something “greater” like living overseas doing full time missions. As part of this journey (or maybe as a…

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