Making time for quiet and reflection in my life
On the day this post publishes, I am driving out to a monastic town to spend a weekend with other writers at a retreat. This has been a dream of mine for so long. I am so looking forward to it. What an indulgence to set aside a whole weekend for quiet, reflection and connection! Thanks, family, for this birthday gift. If I am honest though, part of me is also dreading it. You see, I have been drowning out the quiet in my day to day life of late. I have dived deep into numbing behaviour with technology at the forefront. I don’t like the person I have been.…
Quiet: a Five Minute Friday post
My Friday night writing plan was bamboozled by a daughter vomiting so carved out a little window of my Saturday instead. Writing today on the prompt word “quiet” for Five Minute Friday where we write for five minutes without editing or over thinking. (P.S. how do you like the new look on the blog? I felt like a change.) Quiet. The often longed for thing for a parent. I have a fairly quiet child and am blessed to have times when she is quiet and I have that time to myself. That doesn’t always impact on the state of my soul. Finding quiet in my soul is entirely separate from…