Thankful Thursday

It is amazing what a difference a week can make in your outlook on life. Last week was tough for me. I felt like I had reached the end of my capacity. This week, I feel like I have found another reserve. I dug that new reserve with rest, connecting with God, spending time with my people and processing through my words. I won’t lie and say I have it all together this week. I am learning to get comfortable with feeling stretched. I am learning to let go of some of the standards I hold myself to. I am learning to be more aware of where the minutes of my day go. At least, I am today. Who knows what tomorrow brings?!

This week I am thankful for:
  • A wonderful family day instigated by my husband. My tendency is to be a homebody. He draws us out and finds new adventures for us to embrace. We went to the Toodyay International Food Festival where we could watch the kayaks go by for the Avon Descent. My daughter had a blast and we bonded as a family. The combination of delighting in her delight, being surrounded by nature and creating memories together filled my heart.

  • Participating in The Marriage Course through my church. It isn’t always comfortable but it is giving me the space and the nudge (or shove) to communicate in ways I don’t normally. It has been a revelation to me (and my husband, poor guy) how much I keep bottled up. I love the date night and talk time we have through this course. I look forward to seeing the fruit of this course in many more years with the man I love so deeply.
  • Rekindling my love of crochet. I have so enjoyed pulling out my yarn and hooks this past few weeks. I may not have much to show for my efforts with many pull out and redo sessions but the creativity and relaxation it provides is worth it. It is even more satisfying when I know what I am making it will be a gift. I can’t show any photos yet as that would ruin the surprise for those I am making for!
  • My ability to say no. This has been a long challenge for me. I have seen the growth in myself in being able to choose my best yes and put priority where it is needed. The people pleasing tendency still clamours for attention but doesn’t have the final say anymore.
  • My precious girl and her love of praise and worship music. The blur below is an example of her all out abandon in singing songs to her Jesus. She challenges me to worship throughout my day with reckless abandon.

I love hearing from you about what you are thankful for. What beauty or goodness have you seen in your days?