Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday is here for another week. This will be the last link up for this year with the fullness of the Christmas and New Year season. Join me in noticing the good in the midst of a potentially busy and stressful season. I know for many Christmas brings a lot of pain and heartache.

  • The privilege of having a child to do Truth in the Tinsel with or make a sheep costume for, or even to be woken up in the middle of the night by. My heart aches for those who battle infertility and I am reminded to be so thankful for my daughter and all the aspects of parenting that come with her.

  • Experiencing my daughter’s first pantomime with her. It was a spontaneous decision to go after being offered tickets and was such fun. I was concerned how she would go with the noise and crowds (some issues but not meltdown level and able to be managed). She loved it and even ran straight up to some of the characters for photos afterwards. 

  • The bliss of holidays with a couple of precious child free days to finish up errands and have some recharge time. Monday saw the Christmas shopping completed with the freedom for cafe breaks in the midst of the to do list. Today I am seated in a cafe on the beach front overlooking a gorgeous blue ocean on a warm sunny day with the time to write!
  • Eleven solid years of marriage to my incredible husband. We have had our ups and downs in that time but I couldn’t imagine doing life without him. He has given me the space to flourish and take on new opportunities and I am so grateful.
  • Feeling at peace and joyful in what is often a stressful season. 
  • The delight of getting delicious smelling wax melts for a Secret Santa and having my house filled with the scent each day. Indulging my love of fragrance.
What are you thankful for today?