Thankful Thursday

My thankfuls for this week:

  • MOPS conference- after so much prep and organisation, it was wonderful to see the visions in my head coming into reality. I loved the time getting to know others in my team better, as well as chatting to people from other groups. I love the new theme and catching a renewed vision for my own life and for MOPS next year.

  • An amazing husband who not only released me to participate in the conference (which meant very long days with set up and pack up) but also showed me again what a wonderful fun dad he is. Our daughter loves him beyond words and so do I.
  • Parents who live close enough to babysit and make themselves available for that.
  • The end of the Write 31 Days challenge being in sight. I can’t quite believe that I only have 3 posts left in this challenge and that I haven’t missed a single day. It feels amazing to have set this brave challenge for myself and be within reach of achieving it. 
What are you thankful for this week? is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

This post is part of a series called “My journey of increasing capacity” written as part of the Write 31 Days challenge. To read other posts in this series please click on the button below, in the side bar or on the Write 31 Days 2015 tab at the top.

There are hundreds of other writers doing the Write 31 Days challenge on a vast array of topics. Check them out here.