What areas of your life need to be revised?
At school I expected to need to revise material that I had already studied to be able to pass exams and get good marks on assessment tasks. Why do I expect life and spiritual lessons to be any different? Time and again I find myself relearning and coming back to the same truths. Why does that surprise me?
What lessons do you need to revise today? Have you previously been intentional about your yeses but let that slip? Have you guarded your down time in the past but overfilled your schedule now? Have you allowed your previously healthier eating habits to devolve? These and many more life lessons frequently need to be revised and reflected on.
This is also true in our spiritual journeys too. We think we know something and yet when it comes around again, we find we have only scratched the surface and need to go deeper. Or we find that what we previously knew, we haven’t been living out and need to revise the truths that spurred us on before.
Whatever areas of your life that seem to have slipped or been forgotten, choose today to revise those truths that you know and start to live them again.
Inspired by the Five Minute Friday prompt word: revise. It was written by Five Minute Friday guidelines- five minutes of free write without editing. Making this series achievable this week!
This post is part of a series for Write 31 Days called “For Your Encouragement.” I am taking requests from readers on what they want encouragement about and responding to the best of my ability. I would love to hear from you.
You can read the rest of the posts in this series here.