What I learned in January
The first month of the year is finished! It may not have been quite as I planned and it now seems like a whirlwind, but it was a good start to 2016 overall. I learned a few things along the way:
- Anticipation can be torturous! My headspace was often full of what February was bringing- my daughter starting school, being back at work with adjusted work hours, MOPS launching for 2016 with me in my new role. Plenty to wrap my head around. The anticipation filled my mind with so many what ifs and trying to work out logistics. It got to the point of just needing it to begin so that it could get out of my head and be worked out practically.
- New flooring can change the way you feel in a house. Our lounge was never fully restful for me because the carpet always looked so awful with its stains. There was always an element of embarrassment when people came into my house as it was the first thing you saw walking in the door. The carpet is gone!! While there may be some adjustments needed with a different type of flooring, it has made my whole house feel more elegant and put together. These photos don’t do it justice!
- My body is not made for running. Developing a stress fracture only a few weeks into a running program (following recommendations) is a good indication that running may not be the exercise form for me.
- Resting a stress fracture is very frustrating, especially when you have a four year old to care for, a house to clean and run and a full schedule of preparation activities for the start of the school term. I keep overdoing it.
- I am able to give up sugar! I have been making baby steps towards switching over to the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan. I have a sweet tooth and have strongly resisted giving up sugar previously but have been very successful so far this year. I am noticing small changes already and look forward to even greater health and body improvements over time.
- I am reminded anew of how the days can be long while the years are short. I feel like my daughter has switched into a new phase without me noticing the change taking place.
- God is really wanting me to get the message of taking care of my heart and soul. Every area of input seems to be impressing this on me. I feel in a really good place right now but know that it can all change so quickly if I am not intentional with pursuing soul restoration. Might need some processing and writing on that!
In many ways I don’t feel ready to process through all that January contained. It felt full and weighty in ways that I can’t quite distinguish right now. So this will be my list.
What did you learn in January?
Linking up with Emily P. Freeman on her blog.