Journey- Five Minute Friday

This post is written as part of Five Minute Friday, where writers take a prompt word and write for five minutes without editing. After an intense writing stint in October. This is just what I need to get back into writing for November. 

When I saw the prompt word for today, I smiled. “Journey” My week started with a post about the continuing journey I am on in my leadership and writing and it will end with a fast paced reflection of that journey. I have spent the past two days at the Global Leadership Summit here in Perth. I am filled to overflowing with inspiration, ideas and plans. I have so much to digest, chew over, discuss and implement that it will take weeks to work it all through. I have come away with a renewed sense of the life long journey that leadership requires. If I am ever arrogant enough to think I have this all figured out, I pray that I will encounter new ideas and thinking to shake me out of that. 
I was blessed to have my journey intersect with an old friend at the summit too. We were housemates at uni and don’t get to see much of each other these days. I was very aware of how far we have both come in our journeys of leadership and life. Despite the times apart and the infrequency of contact, the bond is still there and the beautiful gift of encouragement she has is still flourishing. I love those times that God brings of unexpected connection to speak into my journey right when I need it.