• Day 3: Confessions of a phone addict

    You know that mask we wear? The one that we wear because we’re convinced that if people saw into the real us- our thoughts and hidden behaviours, they might be horrified. Maybe it is just me? Today I am choosing to let mine slip a little. I have realised that a major barrier to being more intentional with my time, more present with my daughter and increasing my prayer time is the amount of time I spend on my phone. Smart phones have allowed some incredible new uses but, for me, it comes with a price tag. I have been forced to admit that I have become addicted to it.…

  • Day 3: Confessions of a phone addict

    You know that mask we wear? The one that we wear because we’re convinced that if people saw into the real us- our thoughts and hidden behaviours, they might be horrified. Maybe it is just me? Today I am choosing to let mine slip a little. I have realised that a major barrier to being more intentional with my time, more present with my daughter and increasing my prayer time is the amount of time I spend on my phone. Smart phones have allowed some incredible new uses but, for me, it comes with a price tag. I have been forced to admit that I have become addicted to it.…

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