Thankful Thursday
Mostly this week, I am thankful for cold and flu medication, sleep ins thanks to my hubby and asthma medications. As that list may indicate, I am not well this week. In the midst of illness, there are still things to be grateful for.
- Unexpected private swimming lesson for my daughter after everyone else didn’t show. She has come so far in her swimming this year and loves it so much.
- Fun at Issy’s kindy open day where I was able to spend time with other parents. That doesn’t happen too often as I am usually rushing off to work.
- A friend who generously made and sent a package of clothes for my daughter’s teddy bear. She has been asking for pyjamas for her bear for ages and she finally has them. Isabel was absolutely thrilled to be receiving a package addressed to her and even more so when she found all the outfits and pyjamas inside.