Thankful Thursday
I sat down to reflect on this week and write this post and all I could think about was the negatives. This is exactly why I started this link up. I want to be intentional about overcoming my negative default and notice the things in my life that I am thankful for. So here goes:
- Having rose bushes in bloom right outside my front door. I have to walk past them to take the rubbish to the bin. I chose to stop and smell the roses (literally) to notice that good in the midst of my mundane.
- The opportunity to sit with other writers encouraging each other and gleaning wisdom from the wonderful Amanda Viviers. It was so freeing to sit around a table feeling awkward and unsure, knowing that every person at that table was feeling the same and we understood each other. A group of introvert writers connecting. I hope I get the opportunity again soon.
- Play dates with the kids and mums from the mother’s group that I joined when my daughter was 6 weeks old. I love that some of us still catch up four years later and can watch our kids grow and develop and stay friends.
- Being able to go to my daughter’s music class at daycare for their display. She was so excited to have me there.
I guess there was a lot to be thankful for in my week.
I have also just realised that today is Thanksgiving for all my American readers so Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for today?