Day 13: Scripture memorisation

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The first item on my list of what I wanted to focus on this year in my quest to be intentional was spending more time alone with God. (You can read more on this here). Next, and closely related, was my goal to memorise Scriptures. How can I effectively follow what is set out in God’s Word, pray through it and meditate on it if I don’t have verses memorised? Last year, I attempted Beth Moore’s Scripture Memory challenge. This involved a new Scripture twice each month and you chose your own verses to memorise. I went well for a few months but the wheels quickly fell off. I found it difficult to keep choosing new Scriptures and would get very indecisive.
This year, I decided to tackle Ann Voskamp’s Jesus project with 48 verses from the book of John memorised over the year. She produces some beautiful artworks of each verse that I have put up on my wall. I have found the visual reminders that I can see at every meal time and through out the day have made a big difference. I am far from able to recite them all as I had hoped though. I trust that they are still being stored somewhere in this mess of a brain through the frequent repetition of reading them. I printed out smaller versions with grand plans to make a little flip book to carry around but this is yet to eventuate (and it’s October!!). 
I look forward to finishing this project by the end of this year. Even if I can’t recite them all word for word, I know that there will be a benefit in my spiritual life. Next year? I don’t know yet. I do know that this will be a life long pursuit.