Freedom to Dance
One of the great joys I have as a mum is watching my daughter dance with wild abandon. There is not a self conscious thought in her head at this age. I love the joy it brings her. There have been many a grumpy moment turned around by putting on some music.
The biggest benefit to her dancing? She often gets me involved. To take on that childlike freedom and allow my soul to dance is a breath of fresh air in my day. I have even done it at the shops once when she asked. She sets my soul free. What a privilege as a parent to recognise that she teaches me just as much as I teach her.
When do we become so consumed by what others think or the “shoulds and should nots” of life that we lose that ability to let loose? I almost never dance at weddings or other functions as those self conscious thoughts keep me paralysed. Oh to carry that freedom my daughter teaches me wherever I go, to allow my soul to dance in whatever way that looks like.
The blur of joyful dancing
This post was written for Five Minute Friday, writing unedited for five minutes on a prompt word. This week’s prompt was “dance”. You can check out the other contributions to this link up at Kate Motaung’s blog.