In awe and without words today.
When was the last time that you were at a loss for words, in awe of the life you have and the people you get to share that life with? Have you taken time recently to stop and look around you? I had the absolute privilege of spending my weekend running a leadership training seminar for the incredible leaders I get to work with for MOPS. I am at a loss to know how to articulate all that is in my heart and mind about this.
While I process all that was learned, all that was shared and all that is ahead, I am giving myself permission not to have the words today. For today, it is enough to be deeply grateful. Grateful for the hearts these leaders have and sacrifices they make. Grateful for the position I get to hold. Grateful for my family’s resilience and release for me to go. Grateful to God for everything.
We are all works in progress together. I have a high sense of anticipation for what is ahead. I hold the tension of what needs to be done to work towards the dreams and plans. For today, I sit in gratitude, I allow myself time to rest and breathe and I reflect.