Letter from my heart to my daughter
My daughter, I want to tell you all the things I hope for you but I don’t want to box you in with a sense of expectations. I want to share all the fears I have but don’t want to weigh you down with burdens that are not yours to carry. You challenge me, delight me, grow me and comfort me. I see aspects of me reflected in the mirror of you- some just a hint and others magnified beyond what I have known. While I desperately want to protect you from all the heartache of this world, I know that without it you will not be able to grow…
A letter to Em. You are missed.
Trigger warning: please look after yourself and your mental health as you read or choose to stop reading. Dear Em I miss you. It’s been a lifetime since we just sat quietly together or laughed together. It’s been an age since I saw your spirit break through and radiate around the room. And yet, you still pop into my mind when I want to share good news, or need someone to commiserate with me. I wonder sometimes about what we would chat about now. I imagine you hanging out and loving on my daughter. I can almost feel you cheering me on as I take each next step. How deeply…