• Make space for play (and my confession)

    You know how play is work for children? How play is what forms their brain connections, develops their physical skills and shapes the people they will be? Why do we think that magically stops as we get older? Life fills up with responsibilities, distractions and "real work". Part of that is a necessary part of growing up and contributing to our society. We need to take our responsibilities seriously. Each of us has been entrusted with a sphere of influence and tasks to do within that. We recognise our role within this world to serve others. While we accept our responsibilities, there is still a margin within our lives that…

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  • Day 15: Play!

    This is one intentional focus goal that I have maintained this year. I LOVE playing with my little girl and finding new experiences for us. Sensory and messy play are favourites around here although possibly more with me than with her! I was honoured to speak at my local MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) about my love of messy play and what God has taught me through learning about the benefits of it. I think that I will do a separate series on this when the 31 Days challenge is over. I have aimed to create memories and relationship with my daughter over less important tasks. The housework can wait…

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  • Day 15: Play!

    This is one intentional focus goal that I have maintained this year. I LOVE playing with my little girl and finding new experiences for us. Sensory and messy play are favourites around here although possibly more with me than with her! I was honoured to speak at my local MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) about my love of messy play and what God has taught me through learning about the benefits of it. I think that I will do a separate series on this when the 31 Days challenge is over. I have aimed to create memories and relationship with my daughter over less important tasks. The housework can wait…