Wellness Wednesday: silence and whitespace
The irony of writing on the need for silence and whitespace as part of wellness this week is that I don’t feel I have had enough whitespace to formulate my thoughts. It has been an intense week without the usual time set aside for unscheduled flexibility that I usually implement. It has served as a definite reminder of how essential it is for me to feel on top of things, mentally well and able to do all that I need to do. There have been multiple reminders of these concepts in my life of late. I pay attention when I see the same themes emerging from so many different sources.…
Wellness Wednesday: Get creative
What does getting creative look like in your life? When was the last time you did anything creative? I know from personal experience that it can be the first thing tossed aside when life gets busy. For much of this year, I have thought to myself and even said to others that I don’t have time to write. Here I am publishing every day in October. I made the time. And what I have cut out to allow time for writing was not even important or life-giving to me! I spend less time on social media or in front of Netflix for the most part. I use those little in…
Wellness Wednesday Encouragement- Decluttering
When I think of wellness, I think in very holistic terms. I say that because the topic I’ve chosen for this week’s Wellness Wednesday may not seem related to health at all. I am far from a minimalist and my house is far from being a show home for organisation. I have experienced the significant difference to my headspace that decluttering and reducing the amount of “stuff” in my house has made. There is something so freeing in releasing excess. Our minds gain space when our eyes are not constantly seeing clutter. My time is impacted too. Having less clothing in my cupboard or fewer plastic containers to dig through…
Wellness Wednesday Encouragement- a podcast recommendation
I had a flash of inspiration to include some encouragement each Wednesday about wellness. Why? Because I need to encourage myself in this as much as wanting to encourage others. I have gotten off track a bit of late and know that making wellness a priority impacts all areas of my life. My first bit of encouragement to you and reminder to me is a podcast recommendation. Revelation Wellness is a brilliant podcast full of encouragement and inspiration for health. My favourite episodes though would be a tie between the “Revving the Word” ones and the “Be Still” ones. The former is designed to be used during a walk, run or…