Thankful Thursday
September has arrived! My brain is trying to resist this knowledge as September is set to be an intense month with Father’s Day, my daughter’s birthday (and party), our MOPS leaders conference, going away on holiday and preparing for the Write 31 Days challenge in October. Growth and stretching are in process but it is never comfortable to go through. I started the day feeling reasonably upbeat but now sense the creeping in of feeling demoralised and overwhelmed. A perfect opportunity to take the time to look at what I am thankful for this week.
- Antibiotics! I can talk and breathe again! I try to let my body fight off illness but there are times when medicine is needed. I am so thankful to live in a country where I have very easy access to medical care when needed.
- I made it to the Fresh Leadership conference last week despite my illness. It was a time of encouragement. The biggest take away for me ended up having nothing to do with any of the speakers. I had been praying about whether to participate in the Write 31 Days challenge this year with the intensity in the lead up and being away for parts of October. I had made the decision to simply do the Five Minute Friday prompts and keep it very simple this year. I told God that if He had a different plan that He could let me know. He did! Sitting at the conference doing the worship, I had a “download” of a whole series. Now to find the time to write it!
- My grandfather. We celebrated his 80th birthday on the weekend. I loved being part of honouring the legacy of faith, marriage and friendship that he has created.
- The adorableness of my daughter in her performance for Father’s Day. I had the opportunity to watch the dress rehearsal the day before the evening performance for the fathers.