What do you include in your day? Five Minute Friday post

How do you decide what to include in your day? I have been pondering this often recently. Which of my roles or pursuits do I include? What do I give priority to? This changes on a daily basis. I am learning that it is key in accomplishing my goals while keeping my sanity. I am queen of including ridiculous amounts on my daily to-do lists and get frustrated when I can’t get it all done. At other times, I feel so overwhelmed that I procrastinate and do nothing worthwhile instead. 

I want to get better at this. Some days I win this battle. Other days leave me exhausted. I am recognising the decision fatigue that comes from the constant need to pull from so many sources to work out what is the next right thing for me to do. So much of it is a perspective shift though. Am I placing my value in what I get done on that day or what I have to show for it? Am I placing greater urgency or importance on a task than is needed? I want to filter all of my decisions through a healthy mindset. I won’t always get it right. That’s ok. You won’t always get it right. That’s ok.

Let’s encourage each other to work hard and rest well.

This post was inspired by the Five Minute Friday prompt word: include. Each week a bunch of writers write unedited for five minutes and share our thoughts. You can read other contributions here.