Five Minute Friday (on a Saturday): Decide
So I missed writing this on Friday, so did it on a Saturday instead! It is still Friday in the US so that counts, right?! If you’re new to the Five Minute Friday idea, you set a timer for five minutes and write on the prompt word. No editing, no over-thinking, just writing.
Being an adult seems to come with so many decisions. Some more mundane and others so much bigger. Sometimes I find it easy to make decisions and at others, I can barely wrap my head around all the implications.
I have seen God taking me on a journey of big decisions over the past couple of years (aside from getting married and having a child which are obviously the biggest before then). Another decision was presented to me yesterday and it surprised me to note how different my internal response was from just half a year ago when presented with another decision that feels similar. Yes, I am being intentionally vague! I felt more at peace and confident of God guiding me through the process. It didn’t knock me off my steady patch for the rest of the day/week. I trust that with prayer, talking to some trusted advisors and faith to take a leap if needed, I will get my answer and walk forward in it.
Linking up with the Five Minute Friday crew over on Kate Motaung’s blog.