Holy hustle- unpacking my 2020 manifesto

Listen to the audio version here or read on.
Unpacking different elements of this manifesto each week.

Have you found yourself pulled between two seemingly incompatible mindsets that surround us in social media and the world at large? On one hand, there is a call to rest, slow down and take care of yourself. On the other, there is a push to hustle, work hard and relentlessly pursue your goals. How do you know which is the right way to go?

I wholeheartedly believe in the importance of rest and recharging our minds, bodies and souls. I can relate to the need to step out of the frantic pace that can pull us along and have us spinning. I have experienced the need for white space and downtime in my own life. I see the effects of burnout when rest is not given priority. And yet there is another side to it for me. Too often I use the narrative of rest being a priority to check out when things get hard and to indulge in laziness that isn’t restoring.

I get excited and inspired when talking about pursuing goals and putting my all into my work. I love making lists, casting vision and developing projects. I love encouraging and equipping others to pursue their goals and lead themselves well. I do know how to work hard and the value of work (paid or unpaid) in our lives. I see the impact it has on people when they do not feel capable of work or are denied the opportunities to do so. Hustle is a concept that flies around but often has a connotation of work until you drop and having work take over your life. I have slipped into this mindset in the past.

So is it either rest or hustle? Or can it be both?

Hustle works 24/7, jogging along in high heels on busy city streets with a coffee in one hand, a phone in the other, ignoring everyone around her. She is ruthless about getting the job done and will do whatever it takes to make sure she shines brighter than the rest, even if it means pulling an all-nighter to finish another presentation or missing time with her family. Hustle believes she can do it on her own if she simply works harder, does more, says yes to everything. She doesn’t need anyone else to help her because she knows she has what it takes.

Holy takes long quiet walks in prayer labyrinths and devours books on soul-care, self-care, and grace. She wakes up early to spend no less than 30 minutes in her quiet-time chair, stocking up on scented candles and buying Bibles with extra wide margins for journaling. Holy doesn’t understand why Hustle can’t slow down and rest, and Hustle doesn’t understand why Holy seems to be missing the opportunity to serve her family and community through work.

What if there was another way to live? A place where we can find ourselves embracing the work God has given us while honoring His command to rest- holy hustle?

Crystal Stine Holy Hustle: embracing a work hard, rest well life https://amzn.to/38ye5MY

This concept of Holy Hustle presented in Crystal’s book helped me to start solidifying the mindset that both are needed. When it is time to work, I want to put my all into it. There are times of drudgery and needing to push through. There are times of inspiration when I want to keep going. When it is time to rest, I want to recharge well. The rest helps me to work effectively. The work helps me to sink into the rest. It is making space for both and giving both their importance that creates the life I long for and am designed to live.

If I am honest, rest has been the more dominant feature over the past year or two. I have certainly achieved things and worked in that time but it has felt out of sync. This year is going to stretch me in the area of work in new ways. When April rolls around, I will no longer be working in a regular job with office hours and people to notice quickly when I am not investing in that space. My work will almost entirely be on my own, in my home office, with accountability over the big things but invisibility over the little.

This idea of Holy Hustle is going to be more important to dive into than ever for me. I am working on setting up rhythms and routines that will help me to do this. I am investing in a Mastermind group with daily and weekly check-ins to help me to keep myself on the hook with my goals and plans, while getting support to work through hurdles. I am excited about the flexibility and freedom that will be available and daunted by my own propensity towards distraction and numbing out.

Maybe your struggle is like mine, where rest, or at least the behaviour you excuse as rest, gets a disproportionate amount of your time and commitment. Maybe you are more on the hustle side of things where it takes over your week and robs you of time with loved ones and caring for yourself. Maybe this is also your year of embracing both/and instead of either/or.

Maybe you are looking for a way to build in some rest and the ‘holy’ into your days. The Fragrant Meditations courses are designed to help with that by providing you with Scripture meditations and essential oil combinations to help you to recharge and restore.

You have likely heard about the horrendous bushfires that have been devastating many parts of Australia. I have appreciated people reaching out to see if I am ok. My family and I are all safe on the west coast, although there have also been fires here, the worst ones are on the east. We have had family members had to evacuate but have not lost their homes like many have.

Instead of giving you the 20% off sale I had originally planned for this course launch, the 20% will be donated to the Red Cross Disaster Relief fund. This applies to sales on the brand new Heart and Soul Collection as well as the original Essential Collection course up until 31st January. On 1st February, I will calculate 20% of all sales and give the donation.⁠ Please join me in supporting the relief efforts.

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