• Day 17: Sitting less

    I have been searching my heart while reviewing this intentional focus: sitting less. It has probably been the one that I have been the least successful at. I now wonder if that is because it was never truly a heart conviction of mine, but rather a “should” I was trying to adopt. I have certainly never been an athlete or lover of exercise. I have been successful at beginning to add in short workouts to some of my mornings, thanks to the Hello Mornings challenges. I have my own little encourager in my daughter. She often asks me if I’m going to exercise. Her favourite of my workouts is a…

  • Day 17: Sitting less

    I have been searching my heart while reviewing this intentional focus: sitting less. It has probably been the one that I have been the least successful at. I now wonder if that is because it was never truly a heart conviction of mine, but rather a “should” I was trying to adopt. I have certainly never been an athlete or lover of exercise. I have been successful at beginning to add in short workouts to some of my mornings, thanks to the Hello Mornings challenges. I have my own little encourager in my daughter. She often asks me if I’m going to exercise. Her favourite of my workouts is a…

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  • Day 2: Daily God time, accountability and Hello Mornings

    I assume that it goes without saying- for my faith to be embedded in my everyday life, I have to be spending time with God everyday. I have had flashes of consistency with this in my life, but it has always been a struggle. There have been many devotionals purchased and started, many reading plans attempted. All with varying levels of impact and completion. This year I finally realised what had been missing- accountability. It started out with semi-regular catch ups with a friend to check in with how we were going with our daily God time. This was a start but not consistent enough to produce the change I…

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  • Day 2: Daily God time, accountability and Hello Mornings

    I assume that it goes without saying- for my faith to be embedded in my everyday life, I have to be spending time with God everyday. I have had flashes of consistency with this in my life, but it has always been a struggle. There have been many devotionals purchased and started, many reading plans attempted. All with varying levels of impact and completion. This year I finally realised what had been missing- accountability. It started out with semi-regular catch ups with a friend to check in with how we were going with our daily God time. This was a start but not consistent enough to produce the change I…

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