Reflecting on 2020 and how I have grown
It would be so easy to get to this point in the year and rush to move on. The desire to push this crazy year into the past is tempting. I see that sentiment in so many places. I understand it but I don’t want to take part in it. We can miss the significance, the growth and the lessons if we relegate 2020 to the rubbish pile. An interview I was part of and a planning for 2021 exercise I am doing with my mastermind group has had me reflecting on 2020. I knew from the beginning that 2020 was going to be huge in my life. A…
How to practise gratitude
Have you ever wondered how two people can go through the same event and yet have completely different memories and impressions of it? Perspective. I am reminded over and over how the perspective we choose to take on situations and circumstances shapes how we feel and act. I don’t mean denial of or ignoring the hard realities around us or what is happening to others. It is seeing those hard things but still holding hope and hunting for the good. Gratitude is the practice that has the biggest impact on this perspective. This is not a new revelation for anyone. We all know the importance of gratitude in our lives.…
Bringing the treasure from travel and celebration into our everyday.
How quickly we return to our everyday lives with that big experience that we thought about and anticipated for months turning into mere memories. It shouldn’t surprise me at this stage of my life as I have felt this over and over. I’ve been back home for two days and still in the fog of jet lag and trying to figure out where I am! I sit in this tension of wanting to linger in the experience of our trip longer while wanting to dive forward into all the projects and plans that I had put off until after our return. Add in the daily realities of laundry, food requirements…