Who is cheering you on to become the best you?

Today in MOPS we looked at friendship. I was quite emotional watching the DVD and talking through what that looks like in our lives. Friendship, true deep, soul-connecting friendship has always been really difficult for me for reasons that I feel I am only now beginning to understand. I am blessed to have a few really close friends now who are my “home team” as Shauna Niequist puts it. This has taken a really long time for me to develop. These are the women who cheer me on and encourage me to take the steps of faith and development that I have over the past few years. They have cheered me on in dark times when I wasn’t sure I would make it. They have cheered me on in my writing and my vulnerability, which is hard for me. 
I want to be a friend who cheers others on too. I want to be a writer who cheers others I have never met to live out authentic faith and pursue who God has created them to be. Who is in my life right now that needs that? Who is in your life that may need that cheering on? Instead of getting caught in comparison, let’s be the ones who champion others on.

Inspired by the Five Minute Friday prompt “cheer” where I’m linking up.

Thankful Thursday is still open. Click here to go to that post and link up.