Increasing capacity by going smaller
The words “increasing capacity” bring up images of bigger, larger, grander. The paradox that I am learning is that most often increasing capacity has meant smaller in many ways. I have had to get smaller in my focus. I have wasted headspace and time trying to figure out the “grand plan” that God has for my life and where I could be heading in the years to come. This has not actually been helpful and more an indicator of lacking trust in Him and trying to maintain control. Instead, I have had to discipline myself to focus on the thing God has for me to do in the here and…
My journey of increasing capacity: Write 31 Days 2015 begins
Finding words for what I have learned thus far on this journey may be a challenge. I’m taking this writing challenge as an opportunity to reflect on the season I have been going through for the past year or so. The short video below gives an introduction to this series. Over this series, I will be looking at capacity for leadership, hearing from God, rest, relationships and parenting as well as some of what has been blocking that increased capacity in my life. I will share some of the resources that have inspired, challenged and encouraged me. I hope to spend time reflecting on my own journey, finding words for…
My journey of increasing capacity: Write 31 Days 2015 begins
Finding words for what I have learned thus far on this journey may be a challenge. I’m taking this writing challenge as an opportunity to reflect on the season I have been going through for the past year or so. The short video below gives an introduction to this series. Over this series, I will be looking at capacity for leadership, hearing from God, rest, relationships and parenting as well as some of what has been blocking that increased capacity in my life. I will share some of the resources that have inspired, challenged and encouraged me. I hope to spend time reflecting on my own journey, finding words for…
My Capacity as a Writer
This is the second last post in my series for the 2015 Write 31 Days Challenge. I actually can’t believe that I’ve done it. What is even more remarkable to me is that people in my real life and those I’ve met online have been encouraged and responded to my words. I write to bring God glory for what He has done in me; I write to share encouragement with others; I write to know myself better. For the first time ever, I am starting to consider myself a writer. From a young age, I loved words and putting those words together. I have won awards for pieces I wrote…
“Be You Bravely”- reflecting on the impact of this theme on my capacity
For those of you who are not involved in MOPS, each year there is a theme and verse to focus on. For this year, it was “Be You Bravely” with the theme verse from Isaiah. Created with the You Version Bible App This verse was the verse that God had given me to focus on at the beginning of last year, 9 months before I was asked to join the MOPS leadership team. That caught my eye from the start! The focus on courage to take flight and be fully me was challenging and inspiring. It was the perfect message to give me the boldness to look at increasing my…
What does my house have to do with capacity?
We have lived in our 3×1 duplex for around six years now. This was the year that we had planned to sell and move to a larger place. Our house is cluttered, doesn’t have a bath (I love baths), a small kitchen with lots of issues and is very limited with storage options. I was so excited as we started to prepare for putting it on the market. We had valuations. We packed up so much and stored boxes at very gracious parents’ houses. We reorganised some spaces. We were almost ready to put it on the market so we arranged for our chosen agent to come out to sign…
Capacity blocker: identity source
Who are you? How do you introduce yourself and what you do? I have always had a real dislike for these questions. I have had a tendency to be a bit of a chameleon in my life, not having strong opinions of my own on many things so open to changing to those around me. I’m not really talking about the foundational things like my faith but more the “fluff” like music, movies etc. Even though I’ve called it “fluff”, it still has impacted me and is more of an indication of something deep within being off kilter. I have struggled to be comfortable with who I am. I have been…
Capacity blocker: technology
I’m going to be upfront from the start and admit that I have been dreading writing this post. Mostly because I really don’t want to take the honest look at myself and how little I have progressed in allowing God to remove this blocker from my life. A little over a year ago during last year’s Write 31 Days challenge, I wrote a post called “Confessions of a phone addict”. By the interest it generated, I guess there are others out there who relate to this. A year on and I am still struggling with this. If anything, it’s gotten more complicated as other technologies have been added in for…
Capacity blocker: technology
I’m going to be upfront from the start and admit that I have been dreading writing this post. Mostly because I really don’t want to take the honest look at myself and how little I have progressed in allowing God to remove this blocker from my life. A little over a year ago during last year’s Write 31 Days challenge, I wrote a post called “Confessions of a phone addict”. By the interest it generated, I guess there are others out there who relate to this. A year on and I am still struggling with this. If anything, it’s gotten more complicated as other technologies have been added in for…
Capacity blocker: overcrowded schedule
I debated what to label this capacity blocker and I’m still not sure if I have settled on the right one but it’s a start. Overfilling my time with both time wasters and good things stifles my ability to be responsive in my day and puts a cap on my capacity. Now if someone else was to look at my schedule on some days that feel overcrowded they may come to a different conclusion. I struggled with this in myself (and still do at times). Oh the comparison trap!! I have spoken before about how I need time at home away from people to feed my introvert self so it…