How I’m working on my productivity in order to savour my life: Block Schedule

In the last post of this series, I talked about how I am using my bullet journal to get organised and increase my productivity. The other big game changer for me is incorporating a block schedule in my days and week. I notice a huge difference in productivity when I do this.

Do you know what I mean by a block schedule? I have only recently heard that term but have used the concept on and off for many years. Basically, you allocate blocks of time in your day and week to specific jobs/projects/tasks and don’t do anything else in that time. It allows complete focus on that one area instead of trying to do several things at once. You might notice that this is how school schedules work. We use this at school when other people dictate our schedule then forget when we are adults responsible for our own time. 

I am frequently a “distracted juggler”. I will often be trying to multitask and cover numerous tasks at one time. I am becoming increasingly convinced that multitasking as a way of being productive is a myth. And yet, it is still my default. I have to be incredibly intentional with putting in a block schedule. The evidence in my productivity speaks for itself at the end of days where I have utilised this method. 

An example day where I have used this:

I find I am able to be more present for each area of my life when I use this strategy. I am able to savour the time with my daughter without my brain being as busy with everything else. I make sure I have my creative time, my downtime, time on personal projects and MOPS commitments as well as important family time. What areas of your life have you been failing to savour because of your distraction?
There is no such thing as a one size fits all schedule. Mine varies in different seasons and I am still learning what works best for me in a given week. I encourage you to give it a try- especially if you are a stay at home or work from home parent/entrepreneur/part-time worker. Give yourself space to try different schedules until you find what works for you, what times of day work best for particular blocks and the time needed for different tasks. I would love to hear how this works out for you!

The next post in this mini-series will be about the apps I use during those work blocks to help me stay focused and on track.

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