• One way I am savouring time with my daughter this Advent

    As a parent, you have these moments of awareness of how quickly your child is growing up. Such a bittersweet mix of emotions! I am struck again by the urgent need to savour moments with this gorgeous girl. Those moments are our reminders that life is short and our priorities need to shift from the busyness and distraction we immerse ourselves into the treasure that is the fleeting time we have while our children are small. This has been top of my mind in thinking about Advent. This year feels so different and feels like it is the start of a transition into a different phase of parenting. Her interests…

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  • How I’m working on my productivity in order to savour my life: Apps

    Anyone who knows me knows that I am a tech girl. I blame being married to an I.T. guy but really it is just part of who I am. I use apps and technology to help me to focus, to manage my projects and collaborate with others. Of course, I also use technology and apps to procrastinate and waste time too! Here are a few I am finding helpful right now: Focus:  Pomodoro: During my work blocks of time, I often use the Pomodoro technique to help me to focus. There are a plethora of apps that help you to monitor this with varying levels of customisation and price tag. I use a…

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  • How I’m working on my productivity in order to savour my life: Block Schedule

    In the last post of this series, I talked about how I am using my bullet journal to get organised and increase my productivity. The other big game changer for me is incorporating a block schedule in my days and week. I notice a huge difference in productivity when I do this. Do you know what I mean by a block schedule? I have only recently heard that term but have used the concept on and off for many years. Basically, you allocate blocks of time in your day and week to specific jobs/projects/tasks and don’t do anything else in that time. It allows complete focus on that one area…

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  • How I’m working on my productivity in order to savour my life: Bullet Journal

    Disclosure: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com/amazon.com.au. If you choose to purchase through these links, I receive a small commision at no extra charge to you. Thank you for supporting my business in this way. I was listening to a podcast the other day about leadership styles that stall momentum (you can listen here.) The one that struck me and put words to what I had already identified in myself was “distracted juggler”. Pulling together insights from this podcast, other podcasts, books (like the…

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  • Your invitation to recalibrate your word of the year.

    How has your “word for the year” impacted your life so far? Did you ever get around to setting a focus for your year? If you did, can you even remember what it is? I confess that there have been many times this year that I have had to flick back to the first page of my planner to even remember my word. I can’t help but compare it to last year when my word remained sharp in my focus and seeped into my everyday. The experience has not been the same this year. Maybe you can relate to this. Did we choose the wrong word or phrase to focus…

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  • Lent in a time of grief (and how I’m savouring Lent with my daughter)

    (This post contains affiliate links. This gives me a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to yourself and helps to support my writing.) Advent is something that I love to celebrate and focus on. As I included more of Advent in my years, I naturally turned to Lent as well. I have purposefully sought out devotionals and reflection activities in the past few years to bring greater meaning to this season. This year? Life has hit in full force. The intensity of the past few months both physically and emotionally has required all of my focus. Lent began the day before we held a memorial service for…

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  • How do I look ahead to a new year in the midst of ongoing challenges?

    In the final days of 2017, I find myself reflective as so many are. This year has had more than its share of challenges, heartache and “opportunities for growth”. There has been joy, growth and achievement in there too but the overarching sense that I am left with is heavy and hard. Maybe you can relate to that this year. I am not despairing in this sense of heavy and hard and it has not buried me. There is still underlying peace and strength that carry me through but it requires constant intention to access that foundation. I pray that you are not drowning, even in the midst of the…

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