A foundation of rest- unpacking my 2020 manifesto
Did you create a set of intentions or resolutions for your year? Last week I shared my 2020 manifesto with you and some thoughts on the whole new year thing. Over the next few weeks, I want to take you through the elements that I have chosen to include so that you can be inspired in your own journey. It won’t look like mine and you may not focus on the same areas but we can share ideas and encourage each other on. Foundation of rest Here’s a revelation for you- I am not superhuman and neither are you. So why do we try to live our lives like we…
Caring for my soul in another season of change.
There is change in the air. Can you feel it? The mornings and evenings have a crisp bite. Days are turning out cool more often than being warm. Fruit availability is switching over from the summer stone fruits to the citrus and apples. I love being able to snuggle up in my new plum coloured hoodie, wrap myself up in a fluffy blanket and socks at night and sip a warm tumeric latte or indulgent glass of port. Seasons shift with some semblance of regularity. There is a predictability to weather patterns moving from summer heat to autumn cool to winter wet and cold. We know how to prepare for…
What recovery from a shoulder injury has taught me about strength
I had a choice to make in the face of this decline. I could berate myself for the time off and bemoan the loss of strength and fitness. I could take it as a sign to stop. Or I could give myself grace, focus on the next right thing in front of me and build up my strength once more. Shake it off and move forward or allow a small setback to derail me completely. I know what I have chosen in the past. It is easier to give up and go back into a comfortable place- even if it isn’t beneficial in the long run. I am working at…
Pausing For Advent
Advent has officially begun for another year. In the midst of an overflowing brain and a full season, I am so thankful that I have given myself and my family the gift of simplicity. Advent is not meant to be a burden or something else to add to an already crowded to-do list. What is it about our human nature that draws us to make it that? A few days in and I already have a couple of favourite moments in my Advent days. The first is the pause in front of a lit candle. There is nothing fancy about my Advent wreath made out of bits and pieces I…
Whiplash of emotions and a song
I’m going to make the assumption that you have had days like I am about to describe because you are a human being. I could be wrong, of course. When contemplating writing a post this morning, I was all set to write about how wonderful I was feeling in the midst of taking steps towards goals, my house feeling more under control and as I want it and feeling productive after so long a time feeling helpless. I was going to encourage you to set realistic but important goals for yourself and give yourself grace in the process of pursuing them. I was going to encourage you to seek out…