• What I learned in October

    October has been a huge month! Here are a few things that I’ve learned this month: I CAN write and be consistent and organised on my blog. I actually completed the Write 31 Days challenge this year and am still posting this so it obviously didn’t burn me out!! Click on the button below to go to that series. The reality of a vision in your mind may not quite be the same but it can still be beautiful. The MOPS State Conference decor that took so long to create really came together well. (You can see some pictures in this post) I have amazing friends and family who encourage…

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  • What I learned (or relearned) in August

    It feels like only a week or two ago that I was writing my July post! It took me a long time to get my thoughts together to even realise what I have learned or relearned this month. I guess that’s a good indication of how full my mind and days have been. So here is my list of the fun, frivolous, serious and deep. I love tulips-we took a family day to the Araluen Botanical Park for the start of the tulip season there. It was a stunning winter’s day and a great day out. A funeral can be both gut-wrenching and faith building- I wrote about a recent…

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  • What I learned (or relearned) in August

    It feels like only a week or two ago that I was writing my July post! It took me a long time to get my thoughts together to even realise what I have learned or relearned this month. I guess that’s a good indication of how full my mind and days have been. So here is my list of the fun, frivolous, serious and deep. I love tulips-we took a family day to the Araluen Botanical Park for the start of the tulip season there. It was a stunning winter’s day and a great day out. A funeral can be both gut-wrenching and faith building- I wrote about a recent…

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  • What I Learned in July

    How can so much life have happened in only one month? I may not be able to express all that is in my heart from this month just yet but these are a few of the things I have learned or re-learned this month. Turning 30 is awesome! I joke that I’ve felt so much older for so long that the numbers are just starting to catch up. Not far from the truth some days! Seriously though, I feel so much more grounded and settled in myself in general, both through maturity with age and through hard healing work with God. It feels like the start of a new decade full of…

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  • What I Learned in July

    How can so much life have happened in only one month? I may not be able to express all that is in my heart from this month just yet but these are a few of the things I have learned or re-learned this month. Turning 30 is awesome! I joke that I’ve felt so much older for so long that the numbers are just starting to catch up. Not far from the truth some days! Seriously though, I feel so much more grounded and settled in myself in general, both through maturity with age and through hard healing work with God. It feels like the start of a new decade full of…

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