The pursuit of a life lived well- sharing my 2020 manifesto

Has the start of a new year overwhelmed you with the messages of resolutions, goal setting, reflection and the pressure to completely transform your life simply because we hit January once more? Or maybe you love this kind of thing and spend hours digging into it, trying new tools and making plans. No matter which side of the spectrum you are on, there is an opportunity before you.

Whether it is January or June, a Monday or a Friday, we have choices to make and opportunities ahead of us. This time of year can be a time of reset for us but the change doesn’t come overnight. It is the daily choices we make that bring growth.

I have come to love setting goals and making plans for a new year. I also value the perspective of setting an overall intention for life. Not an ‘either/or’ approach but ‘both/and’. I have written up a plan for the year and set detailed goals for my business, my volunteer role and my relationships. Some of those goals won’t be worked on for months- a good reminder that we don’t have to do it all at once! I also have a ‘manifesto’ for my year that provides an overarching picture of what I want to focus on.

2020 manifesto

Over the next few weeks, I will be diving deeper into some of these points and what they mean to me. I am inspired and encouraged when I read what others have set as goals or intentions. This is not an exercise in comparison. Our worth is not found in how grand our goals are or if we achieve them. This is an opportunity to learn from one another and encourage one another on in our pursuit of growth and living our lives well.

If soul care is on your list of intentions for this year, I have something for you releasing next week. You can stay in touch through Facebook, Instagram or my email community.

One Comment

  • Sonia

    Hi Jodi,
    Encouraged by your Manifesto 2020.
    I faced a Huge disappointment yesterday…something I have wanted to do for a long long time- something I put off for later, after my kids grow up, after we met those pressing family needs…only to be affirmed realistically, I have missed the boat! The positive is I can check that off my list, and not waste any time on it building up towards a goal that wasn’t pragmatic.
    Reading your manifesto, helped me realise I do have some pretty big wins, but didn’t really put it down as one! I have invested my energy and talents into things that really matter and I shouldn’t beat myself for not doing it all!
    Soul care is big on my list…has always been. Relationships too…so thank God for that.
    Waiting for the good Lord to lead me, hold me by the hand and whisper clarity in what He is calling me to. Thank you for your sharing Jodi, God bless