Looking ahead into 2016

Well that was a longer break from posting than I had planned! The words just have not been there the past few weeks. I was journalling and writing Scripture but nothing came when I sat down to write here. I received some wonderful encouragement in the Hope*Writers Facebook group about reframing the way I looked at this break and sure enough, the words have been itching in my fingers all day, waiting for the opportunity to sit in the quiet. 

Life has continued in the interim and has even included some changes. It has also included some unexpected challenges, a big step in a long-held vision and diving into the new year with its new roles.

I am not a New Year’s resolutions person. Putting that expectation on myself usually fails, admittedly due to the unrealistic nature of my goals often. I sometimes laugh at the to do lists I write up for myself and wonder how on earth I expect to be able to achieve all of it in one 24 hour period. A couple of years ago, I came across the concept of One Word. It intrigued me and I tried it out. I’m not going to exaggerate and say that it revolutionised my life, or that I could even remember what my word was at times later in the year. It did help me tune in to what was important more. My word for this year is “abide” (kind of in partnership with “dwell” which is often used interchangeably in different Bible versions and verses.) This word came up frequently for me in the last few months of 2015 and I sensed God stirring. It fits with the journey that God has already had me on for years but I sense a deeper calling into this, into Him. So often I can gloss through quiet times and through my day without really dwelling in the presence of God and I crave that more in my life. I also want to be more present and “abide” in the moments of my day with my daughter, family, friends and in those everyday mundane tasks. If you are interested in exploring the concept more, you can visit the One Word website HERE (there are several out there so you could also find a different one) and the You Version Bible app also has a short devotional that leads you through the steps too.

One area that I am looking at focusing on and making some goals around is my health, fitness and weight. I have been interested in the Trim Healthy Mama Eating Plan for a while and have taken the plunge, although in baby steps. I love the grace that shines through the book and the balanced approach to food. I am not going hungry, eating super yummy treats despite being off sugar and already noticing my clothes being less tight only a couple of weeks in and not even fully on plan yet. I think this is going to be very workable for me, especially with giving myself the grace to step in gradually and not have to be 100% perfect at it.

My fitness focus has proven more challenging. I was keeping going with the workouts and workout apps that I was using at home, with more consistency and was adding in running using the Couch to 5k app. I was really enjoying it but only a couple of weeks in, developed what was originally diagnosed as shin splints and is now looking more like a stress fracture. I am on crutches and restricted from any exercise that involves standing or using my leg. What a blow to my exercise plans, especially just as I joined a fitness accountability group. I have been determined not to let this completely derail my quest to be more healthy. My goal is to have the energy and vitality to engage fully in each role I have in life. I’m over being tired and lethargic. Weight loss is an added bonus and I am choosing not to focus on numbers or even look at scales right now to prevent the obsessive tendencies I know I have within me from taking me down a destructive path. So for now, I am focusing on my arms and core as they can be targeted while sitting or lying. I am a little nervous putting my health and fitness focus out there but hoping the additional accountability will spur me through the tough times. I look forward to seeing where I am at the end of the year.

Life may not always go according to plan but I am learning to let it go more. 

Keep a look out for the return of the Thankful Thursday link up this week.

I would love to hear from you about what your goals/ areas of focus or one word is for this year.