What I Learned This Autumn 2019
Do you follow along with Emily P. Freeman‘s seasonal reflection practice? I haven’t been consistent with it the past couple of rounds but felt drawn to the idea of stopping and reflecting today. I think it has something to do with the feeling of change, growth and intensity in my current season. Maybe you could benefit from some reflection time too? Here are a few things that I have learned over the past three months. I hate shopping for jeans and possibly wearing them too. I used to live in jeans whenever possible. They were my comfort go to. Now, I can never seem to find a pair that fit…
What cracks in your foundations are holding you back from growth?
Foundations are the hidden parts of buildings that we rarely think about and yet are vital to the stability and form of the structure. The higher you want to build, the deeper and more secure the foundation requirements. The foundation needed for a single story small home in the suburbs is very different from the foundation needed to support a high rise building in the city. Cracks and imperfections in the foundation soon become evident throughout the building. Our lives are no different. This past week has been kind of like a slap in the face– a slap I needed but not comfortable! Through a coaching session and other inputs,…
Caring for my soul in another season of change.
There is change in the air. Can you feel it? The mornings and evenings have a crisp bite. Days are turning out cool more often than being warm. Fruit availability is switching over from the summer stone fruits to the citrus and apples. I love being able to snuggle up in my new plum coloured hoodie, wrap myself up in a fluffy blanket and socks at night and sip a warm tumeric latte or indulgent glass of port. Seasons shift with some semblance of regularity. There is a predictability to weather patterns moving from summer heat to autumn cool to winter wet and cold. We know how to prepare for…
How I wrestled with my attitude this weekend
A four day weekend to go camping with friends. Sounds amazing right? And it was but only when I put into practice the attitude adjustments I am fond of talking about and teaching my daughter but not always doing myself! It all started with a fire. The camp ground that we had selected and been planning for was right in the middle of an extensive bushfire a couple of weeks ago. Plans had to be changed. We chose a new destination and back up, packed up (with a few minor issues on the camper trailer sorted first) and headed off, only to discover our trailer brakes and lights had not…
Life-giving investment in friendship
You know how Facebook throws up those friendship anniversaries? I noticed a trend in mine. Those friends that I actually feel closest to in real life have the least amount of evidence of friendship online. We don’t tend to take many photos together. I don’t think to pick up my phone and document the moments with them. I both love this and am disappointed by it. I love that I am able to be relaxed and present with them (not an easy feat for my mind often.) I love that we are too caught up in simply being together. I would also love to have more of those moments captured…