Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 10: How
How do I gain consistency? Is that something that you struggle with too? I get so frustrated at myself at how often I start a habit or take steps to stop doing something unhelpful and then it all unravels. I know that I have seasons of strong will power but it seems to be lacking now. Maybe you can relate? Something that I am learning more and more is the power of giving myself grace (because if God can do that for me, I need to accept it for myself too) and take smaller steps. I tend to want to jump all in. I take leaps that are too big…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 9: Inspire
What inspires you? Are the first things that come to mind big things or small everyday moments? It can be so easy to find ourselves in a trap of wanting to be inspired and only looking for that in large experiences or looking to a person to provide this for us. I wonder how much inspiration I miss each day. What little moments could lift my soul and inspire me that I allow to rush past in my quest to tick the next task off my list or, even worse, the mindless scroll on my phone. The other question I’ve been asking myself is what do I do with that…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 8: Comfort
Comfort. It seems to be that unconscious goal in my mind so often. Maybe it is for you too. We are all absorbed in maintaining our own comfort levels. The human nature in us. The question that has been pricking my heart and conscience is this: what has my comfort cost someone else? How often has wanting to stay in my comfort zone cost someone in my path a word of encouragement, a meal or even just a smile? How many opportunities to bless others do I let pass me by because I would have to get a little uncomfortable to make it happen? What do the lives of those…
Here’s your opportunity to finish 2018 with a flourish.
I tend to have the idea that the last few months of the year don’t count for much. I write them off and seem to believe that anything I wanted to achieve up to this point, and haven’t, won’t be done. I discount the time available in this season. I blanket these months with the view that there is too much else on to be focused or intentional. Do you feel the same? Are there dreams and goals that you held for 2018 that aren’t a reality yet? Are you tempted to let your goals slip through your fingers in the rush towards year’s end- your health, your dreams or…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 6: Belong
The desire to belong in strong in all of us. It can be a driving force for our good or for our destruction. What I am realising in myself is that my drive to belong can make me too self-focused. It becomes all about what I am feeling and where I am fitting in. It makes you forget that you can create that belonging for others. It stops you from looking outward to all the others who have that same desire to belong. I have felt convicted of this often of late. You see, I am really good at hiding behind a screen and technology and talking to others about…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 5: Share
Sharing words to the public is a scary thing. I find myself second guessing myself, questioning my motives and battling the critic in my head. If you have ever tried sharing something of yourself, you may have experienced this too. There is something vulnerable about putting our hearts into words and setting them free in the world. So why do we do it? I can’t speak for everyone but I know why I do. I have long felt a compulsion to write, both privately and publically. The words push to get out and form a large part of how I process my life. The compulsion and drive I feel for…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 4: Why
Why? A word and question that anyone who spends any time with young children knows all too well! Children have this in-built curiosity that drives them to ask incessant questions about everything. They are hungry to learn about the world around them. I am always blown away by the questions that my daughter comes up with. I am usually left flabergasted and questioning the answer myself! As frustrating and exhausting as children’s questioning can be, it also challenges me to grow. When do we lose that curiosity? When do we let go of asking “why” as much? I want to be a life-long learner. I want to maintain a curious…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 3: Believe
What is it that you believe? Have you ever asked yourself that question or had it asked of you? Have you ever asked it of others? I find it is one of those things that can be so hard to articulate and yet is foundational to who we are and how we behave in this world. Often it is not the words that come easily to our mouths in response that show our true beliefs; it is our actions. I have been challenged by that a lot recently. If I say I believe in something and yet my actions and life don’t reflect that, do I really believe? I find…
Bite-sized Inspiritment Day 2: Afraid
I have lived life afraid in many seasons. Sometimes that fear can paralyse us and stop us from experiencing all that life has to offer. Sometimes that fear spurs us forward to reach for something new. I watch people I love live afraid too. I see the battle each day to step past that. I notice that, so often, facing what you are afraid of is the first leap towards what brings you great joy too. What is it that you are afraid of? I don’t mean those “nice” predictable answers but what ties the deep part of your soul into knots. That place in you that defies definition and…
Soaking in His Presence
Taking the time to stop and rest has revealed even more how much I needed it. I underestimated how depleted I have become. I sat to write the post I had originally planned and there were no words. I don’t want to have words on a screen for the sake of it. If they are not from my heart and containing encouragement or a purpose, I don’t want to put them out there. I have been loving soaking in God’s presence today through listening to two albums from Bethel music: “You make me brave” and “Without words”. I share a small of part of that with you in the videos…