Beating the busyness of this season with intention- free Advent planner resource
This week I shared some thoughts on how we can deal with this cycle of feeling busy every day but also feeling like we get nothing done over at the MOPS Australia blog. I find myself in that place often if I am not intentional with how I structure my days, what I focus on and what I choose to spend time on. I find this is especially true in the Christmas season. The demands on our time seem to reach a crescendo at this time of year. We are rushing here and there and yet we feel like we are always behind. The important things get lost in the…
Taking steps to switch off the victim mode and thrive in the midst of a full schedule
When the build-up of responsibilities and to-do lists around me starts to tip me off centre, long term planning feels too difficult. I know some of you can relate as we’ve had conversations about this. Taking a long term view and getting intentional that way is important but sometimes we need to pull it back to looking at today. I could feel some of the overwhelm building this past week. Looking at my planner for each day has been daunting. I had a choice to let this spiral out of control and end up dropping the ball everywhere as I devolve into a mess OR to take small steps right…
Why am I already planning for 2020?
Over the past week I began planning in earnest for 2020. How is that sentence even possible?! How is it possible that we are so close to the end of another decade? I know for some of you the thought of planning for next year already seems extreme and that you are barely managing to plan for tomorrow. I get it! Simply managing the plans for the next week feels exhausting right now. So why am I doing this and doing it now? I feel the tailwind blowing. You know the one. It seems to propel us forward at breakneck speed towards Christmas and New Year and suddenly you realise…
What do you do when your plans unravel?
How do you respond when your plans and days seem to be unravelling around you? When your carefully balanced schedule gets thrown off by the unexpected? I have been scrambling to grab at the loose threads to pull them back together. I’ve been trying to get more organised (i.e. stay in control in my own strength.) I’ve been feeling the tension build and the allure of giving up on all of the plans. The pull to bury my head, numb out on mindless entertainment and retreat into my own space has felt strong once more. This is nothing new. These patterns are familiar. I know that you will have those…
How do I find peace in the busyness and stress of this season?
“Peace on Earth” We see that in so many places in the lead up to Christmas. Does it reflect your reality right now? Does your little part of the world feel peaceful? I’m willing to guess that few would be able to answer “yes” to that question. This time of year has a way of magnifying the stressors already present and adds a good dose of family angst, high expectations, and busyness in for good measure. That isn’t even including the more global tension, disasters, and conflict. Is there any hope for peace? Is this some unattainable goal for the Christmas season? I’m discovering that it is possible but takes…
Has your “try” become weak? Time for intention.
Do you ever find yourself saying or thinking the words “I’ll try” and knowing deep in your heart that you won’t? I am annoying myself every time those words cross my thoughts or pass my lips. I know that the word “try” has come to mean this weak offering of some intention rather than a gutsy word conveying conscious effort. I desire to live more intentionally with purpose and attention to how I am spending my time. My everyday reality does not reflect that as often as I’d like. It is easy to make excuses and there are even legitimate ones in my life right now, like a sick child…