Rest: A Five Minute Friday post (and pausing Thankful Thursday)
Intention to write and sitting to put words down are two different things. I had planned to write my usual Thankful Thursday post this week. Then I woke up on Friday and it wasn’t done. I thought about doing it late for this week but can’t bring myself to do it. This shows me that I need a rest from it. Writing has been taking a back seat for me of late, at least public writing has. The inspiration isn’t flowing. I realise that the rest I am taking is not actually restoring me or inspiring me. I get so frustrated with myself at the end of the day when…
Thankful Thursday
This week has felt heavy and dragging. I have been struggling to write a Thankful Thursday post when all I see looking back is the hard. I am reminded that gratitude is a discipline that I need to work on. If I want to see the good in my life, I have to be intentional and focus in. It may have taken me all day to come up with this list, but it is worth it despite what my feelings may say in the moment. I have finished writing all my reports for my class that are due in this week. I know all teachers can relate to the relief…
Thankful Thursday
Life has a habit of throwing up the unexpected. I sit here with an ice pack on my lower back following someone rear ending my car yesterday. Given that I have a history of a traumatic car accident, this could have sent me into a tail spin. It hasn’t and for that I am thankful. I am thankful that my daughter was not in the car at the time. I am thankful for how calm and accepting I have remained. I am thankful for insurance. Today I had the privilege of visiting another MOPS group to share my heart and experiences of noticing goodness. Despite being an introvert, I really…
Thankful Thursday
Mostly this week, I am thankful for cold and flu medication, sleep ins thanks to my hubby and asthma medications. As that list may indicate, I am not well this week. In the midst of illness, there are still things to be grateful for. Unexpected private swimming lesson for my daughter after everyone else didn’t show. She has come so far in her swimming this year and loves it so much. Fun at Issy’s kindy open day where I was able to spend time with other parents. That doesn’t happen too often as I am usually rushing off to work. A friend who generously made and sent a package of…
Thankful Thursday
Time to hard stop and have eyes to see the good things in my life this week. We have reached the final Thankful Thursday in May and life feels as if it is running on fast forward right now. I am taking these moments to allow my soul to breathe as I push the pause button. A sick daughter may seem an unusual thing to be thankful for (and I’m certainly not too grateful for the very little sleep!) It did allow me to have an extra day at home with her this week with divine cuddles on the couch while watching a movie together. I was reminded again how…
Thankful Thursday
The gratitude that takes centre stage for me this week is for the life and health of my daughter. One evening this week, we were in our back room tidying up before bed when a wasp got stuck under her t-shirt and stung her seven times before I could get her top off. She was in excruciating pain and I was so worried that she may be allergic as she had never been stung before. A tense evening of monitoring her closely and applying first aid ensued. We got her to bed later covered in welts but drowsy from antihistamines and pain killers. We fully expected her to be up…
Thankful Thursday
It’s that time of the week again. Time to stop and reflect back on all the little and big moments that I am thankful for in my week. As happens so often, our sermons at church have been linking in beautifully with what we have been looking at in MOPS this year. The current series on “The Table” has contained so many of the same truths and encouragement to celebrate, to be relational in the way we seek to share the gospel and to rest. You can listen to the podcasts here. The spontaneous moments when my daughter makes up songs about how much she loves talking to God or prays.…
Thankful Thursday
I am loving being back in the habit of recording what I am thankful for each week. I have caught myself being on the look out in my days for the little and big things that I may normally overlook. Here is what I am thankful for this week: The imagination and creativity that Lego has brought out in my daughter. She blows me away with what she comes up with. The creation on the left is apparently a chair up in space that has arms that move out from in and can become a diving board. Watching her development and mind work is such a joy! Quality time as…
Thankful Thursday
My brain was obviously more full than I realised as it completely pushed the Thankful Thursday thoughts out of the window. I would be going about my day on a Friday and only then remember Thankful Thursday. And then I had dental surgery and everything went out of the window. I am choosing not to beat myself up over the unintended break and get back into it. Being thankful is never not going to be needed in my life. Discovering a way of eating that is working to sustain my energy levels more, while also helping me lose weight. I have lost almost 10 kilograms this year and feel so…
Thankful Thursday
My mind is a wash of emotion, anxiety and a whirlwind of to dos and don’t forgets! I am working on coming back to a place of peace and rest in the midst of it all with God’s truth and promises, prayer and refocusing my attention. This is a constant battle throughout the day and night right now. Whenever I think I’m getting on top of it, something else crops up, like my daughter’s nose getting increasingly snotty as the morning progresses. Tomorrow I fly to Melbourne for a long weekend of training in my position as a regional coordinator for MOPS Western Australia. My excitement is being drowned out…